About us

FinPublic is a global company operating in 10 countries with total population of 2.3 billion people. Today one in tree inhabitants of the planet can use our platforms to borrow money online or to obtain a banking loan.

We offer unique experience and wide range of tools to achieve your goals. We know how to find, select and supply target clients. We make advertising for any financial services.


The company of FinPublic has been working in the market successfully and efficiently since 2015, helping financial organisations and customers to meet each other. The company has succeeded to launch portals in USA, India, Brazil, Spain, Poland and Mexico. We also operate in many countries of the post-Soviet space.

Our foreign portals have stable traffic. They are operated with the help of our foreign experts. Growing number of branches in different countries is the evidence of the local citizens’ increasing demand for micro-lending. And the interest of local companies to attract target borrowers also rises.

Unique experience

During our work in the foreign markets we have accumulated unique experience that helps to achieve impressive performance and post significant growth. Our experts know exactly what kind of promotion strategy to choose in order to get good results quickly.

We follow trends, share knowledge with international partners. As media sponsors we regularly participate in the most significant conferences in the field of marketing and micro-financing.

Results Oriented

  • Always willing to grow
  • Always ready to reach new heights
  • Always ready to find a pot of gold for our clients

More details about our sites you can find out from the section "our sites" or from our managers.

We offer a comprehensive solution for Your business needs. Fill out a small application form and our managers will form an individual offer for you.


Increase customer loyalty
Increase customer loyalty
Increase interest in the company's products and services
Increase interest in the company's products and services
Sales growth
Sales growth